Optimal Health Starts In Your Mouth


In this article, we will explore why optimal health starts in the mouth and cover the following.

  1. Introduction to why health begins in the mouth and why it's important not to ignore.

  2. An overview of inflammation being the number one killer and the three health triggers are heavy metals, root canals, and cavities.

  3. Introduction to how the mouth is the entrance to the body and description of the mouth-body connection.

  4. How leaky gut begins in the mouth with ‘leaky gum.’

  5. Explanation on effects of metals e.g mercury + fluoride + toxic mouthwashes and toothpaste. Effects of what happens when you eat the wrong food to your teeth and when you don't condition teeth to be strong

  6. An overview of how you should be utilizing dentistry. The tips you need going forward for a healthy mouth biome: correct toothpaste, flossing, coconut pulling, eating nutrient-dense, only ceramic fillings, no more metals, getting checked for cavitations, and no overly hard brushing.

The world’s renowned expert and leader in this health optimization field with the “health starts in the mouth” philosophy Dr. Dome, aka Dr. Dominik Nischwitz, joins Live Vitae in this article to shed light on one of the root causes of poor health.

Optimal Health Starts In Your Mouth

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the mouth and dental hygiene is not to be neglected when looking for optimal health. As the entrance to ingestion, the mouth can be seen as the place by which health begins and where all nutrients are first introduced to our systems. However, due to a misunderstanding in modern dentistry and miseducation around oral health, many of us struggle with symptoms resulting from external toxicities in our mouths.

The mouth is the beginning of digestion as its oral microbiome contains useful enzymes and brain-gut signallers. It is also the point at which our pre-phase insulin response and ability to recognize and digest carbohydrates occur. Conclusively, the mouth is much more than simply a place to chew food; attacking it with foreign chemicals can lead to health challenges.

The top three oral health killers: root canals, metals, and cavitations all have wide-spread effects that can contribute to lack of energy, unstable moods, brain fog, never-ending digestive issues like small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), hypothyroidism, and much more.

Unfortunately, because of the way in which we are educated through childhood, these realizations often come later in life, once certain damage has already been done. The earlier you can recognize the ramifications of poor dental hygiene, the earlier you can begin to reverse and prevent these effects.

Fluorides, toxic metals, and amalgam fillings are all elements that may be creating dysbiosis within your oral microbiome. And similar to the gut, this will then affect beyond the mouth leading to the brain and rest of the body through your autonomic nervous system and the ancient Chinese meridian, aka acupuncture channels. As always, the epigenetic conditions you provide your body will dictate how you feel, not only your genetic makeup.


The effects of oral health

If you have grown up in our modern society, you have more than likely experienced the guidelines and procedures purported by the so-called experts in the field. Fillings, root-canals, wisdom teeth removal and rampant use of fluoride are all amongst the normalities we now adhere to.

Question time:

When's the last time you remember your dentist giving a detailed, honest explanation of what they are doing and why?

Often we are too scared to ask and simply presume they are the expert - be inquisitive!

Dentistry is corrupt!

The dentistry industry is a microcosm of the result of public health being influenced by private interest (AKA the sugar industry).

However, the origin of these procedures is not as ‘evidence based’ as we may have once thought and many scientific understandings such as the risk of using fluoride within the body have since been reversed due to conflicts of interest. (1)


Knowledge bomb 💣

One comprehensive review that was able to access many of the internal documents from the dental associations of America noted: “reversals in public health policies can find their origin with the political leaders of an organization whose primary aim may be to serve the private interest of the organization they lead, not necessarily public interests”.

Through the mid-20th century, ideology on the effects of high-carbohydrate diets in regard to dental health and the efficacy of topical-fluoride use was drastically shifted, despite no new substantial evidence. (1)

Viewing your teeth simply as instruments for eating that need to be repaired and maintained, like a car, is a reductionist view.

Toxic mouthwash and fluoride act as strong disinfectants in the oral cavity. However, our microbiome needs those bacteria for various functions. By nuking your oral cavity, you are reducing your ability to break down food, extract nutrients, and support your immune system later down the digestive tract.

Fluoride has been known to strengthen enamel. However, similar to toxic anti-septic mouthwashes, it also acts as a disinfectant in the mouth. Strengthening your teeth and gums can be done by other far less invasive techniques and eating nutrient-dense foods. 

Knowledge bomb 💣

You can develop something called endotoxemia, AKA leaky gum, is essentially the precursor to the well-known leaky gut many of us experience. The gum around our teeth is skin should stay tight. When this skin is damaged, it can open up and allow bacteria and pathogens to enter our body through these openings. This is why physicians have found mouth-originated bacteria within the hip joint when undergoing hip replacements. These bacteria have entered the body through these entrances and dispersed everywhere.

There are even associated studies connecting gingivitis with bacterial infections such as Porphyromonas gingivalis leading to neurodegenerative disease and cardiovascular events. (2)

What about metal fillings aka amalgams?

Many dentists will use amalgam when giving fillings to a patient. However, these often contain around 50% mercury, known as one of the most toxic, non-radioactive materials to humans. 

The mercury will continually leach out and into your oral microbiome when in the oral cavity. This can happen simply by brushing your teeth, cleaning them, and drinking hot/cold/acidic beverages. The metal can even act as an antenna as they conduct the myriad of NNEMFs found in our day-to-day lives.

“The half-life of mercury in the brain can last from several years to decades. Thus mercury accumulates over time of amalgam exposure in body tissues to toxic levels.” (3)

Root canals are another topic of interest when it comes to analyzing the mouth for optimal health. There is no doubt root canals work to allow the damaged tooth to be kept and used to continue biting. However, these too can have their detrimental effects. The decayed tooth can become the perfect place for anaerobic bacteria in the mouth to gather and leach out to the rest of your body through your lymph nodes and blood supply, causing serious damage to important organelles. Root canal treatments have a very high propensity to become reinfected, and therefore avoiding losing a tooth in the first place is the most efficient way to avoid this chronic inflammation in the mouth.

Additionally, through recent years, our mouths and jaws have actually altered shape and become narrower. Through eating more hyper-palatable foods, excessive mouth breathing, and not utilizing chewing muscles, we no longer have mouths that resemble those of our ancestors. 

This has been brought to our attention also by mewing. A recommended watch to find out more about mewing and how this alters our physical structure and, therefore our brain and nervous system function is here.

This has ramifications, the largest being the inability to house our wisdom teeth and therefore the need to remove them. This goes even further, to the point now where we no longer have enough space for the rest of our teeth and need braces to correct the pressure put on our teeth by our jaws. 

Knowledge bomb 💣

Removing wisdom teeth is one of three health killers, coined by Dr. Dominik Nischwitz - leading biological dentist in this field, and for good reason. This surgery can leave chronic inflammation in your jawbone which can manifest into cavitations of the fatty degenerative osteonecrotic jawbone, also known as FDOJ. Much akin to leaky gum, this inflammation is bound to transfer throughout the rest of the body.

Health Prevention and Optimization is the cure

However, hope is not lost, and we can all make efforts to be more aware of the integral part the mouth plays in our health. 

Initially, start off by ditching any toxic chemicals you are willingly ingesting e.g., toothpaste and mouthwash. Look for toothpaste free from fluorides, sodium-lauryl-sulphate (SLS), triclosan, aspartame, carrageenan, and essentially anything that sounds like it's from a lab. Additionally, avoid toothpaste that is unnaturally white and/or purports whitening effects; these will often also contain Titanium oxide, aka E171.

Not all dentistry products are made equal, and it can prove difficult to sift through green-washed advertising to find what works for you. Rinseandwell is a personal favorite toothpaste / oral brand with high holistic values. You can get 10% off your order when using our discount code at checkout. LIVEVITAE10.

Switch out the mouthwash for coconut pulling: an ancient ayurvedic, non-invasive technique that acts as an antimicrobial for the mouth. If you want to learn more about coconut pulling, check the article here: What is coconut oil pulling.

Knowledge bomb 💣

The majority us have bleeding gums due to overly-intense brushing. Your mouth can be delicate and should be treated as something you care for. Keep in mind leaky gum, and have the awareness to not ‘over brush’ and damage yourself. Additionally, use floss with caution so as not to cut your skin, and if possible attempt skipping flossing altogether.

Try incorporating some tougher foods into your diet, maybe in some cases -  raw, to condition both your teeth and jaw to become resilient and hard. Focus on chewing your food properly, which will also aid digestion and nutrient breakdown through oral enzymes. Eating nutrient-dense foods with a  nose-to-tail focus will allow you to have adequate micronutrients for tooth and gum function and repair. 

Wrapping things up:

Finally, seek out a dental practitioner who understands the unique mouth-body connection and uses cutting-edge equipment in conjunction with ancestral wisdom and a holistic view on functional medicine. If possible, consult this specialist around switching any metals in your mouth for inert ceramics along with a tailored nutrition plan for detoxification and recovery.

Ideally, you want your dental practitioner to be someone who doesn't want to keep you as a dental patient and instead provides and facilitates health freedom with your oral hygiene. Incorporating both advice from a specialist to take out the guesswork and taking responsibility for what we put in our mouths, we can all achieve the dental health we were born with and deserve.

You can catch Ryan Carter (@livevitae) interviewing the leading biological dentist in the world, Dr. Dome.

Youtube or Instagram

Keep smiling


  1. Hujoel PP. Private Interests and the Start of Fluoride-Supplemented High-Carbohydrate Nutritional Guidelines. Nutrients. 2022 Oct 12;14(20):4263.

  2. Dominy SS, Lynch C, Ermini F, Benedyk M, Marczyk A, Konradi A, et al. Porphyromonas gingivalis in Alzheimer’s disease brains: Evidence for disease causation and treatment with small-molecule inhibitors. Science advances [Internet]. 2019;5(1):eaau3333. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30746447

  3. DDS MB. Amalgam Fillings: Are they safe? Should you have them removed? [Internet]. Ask the Dentist. 2019.  https://askthedentist.com/amalgam-fillings/