Healthy Mayonnaise Recipe


With this low PUFA mayonnaise recipe, you will revolutionize the way you buy and also change the game with how you make healthy mayonnaise in this easy 2 step process.

Say no to expensive and jaw-dropping grocery bills with paleo-friendly mayos. Sure - they taste good, take no time to have them at your convenience. But why waste excessive money on mayo which you can now make at home with even better ingredients and at the fraction of the cost.

In this healthy homemade mayo recipe - we will guide you through every step. Get ready to impress your partner and friends. Even starting BYO (bring your own) mayo out to friends and restaurants - trust me - it is that good.



Mayonnaise is the ultimate food accompaniment. It goes well in salads, grilled meat, fish and poultry, and roast root vegetables or sweet potato fries. Making your mouth water yet?

Making this coconut mayonnaise - which is low in PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) will blow your socks off. I was daunted with making my mayonnaise - until I realized you do not need to be an acclaimed chef. It is that simple - just requires patience and TLC.

Being held at ransom for £6-$10 a pop for a jar of paleo mayo is also not right. When eating well and looking after your health and body - we need to take matters into our own hands.



Ditch the store-bought - vegetable oil-laden mayonnaise. Throw it in the trash or do not buy it at all. When eating out - bring your own!

Humans never consumed the number of empty calories and pseudo fats from seeds and vegetable oils. These fats would have never been naturally produced be it even minimally and mechanically such as olive or coconut oil. The processing of these seeds and vegetable oils such as canola, rapeseed, sunflower is a nasty process with heat extraction and also bleaching. Not forgetting that these crops are typically high in glyphosate (pesticides), GMO engineered, and problematic for most people to consume.

These crops are cheap to make - yet serve no purpose in the body apart from burning them off as energy. There is no actual or real robust nutrient or molecule they contain to help humans thrive.

I do not want to beat PUFA as a bad guy. It is more to do with the excessive seeds and vegetable oils that the standard western human consumes now which is the problem. Over saturating our cell membranes with weak, fragile PUFA oils in the omega 6 class.

Humans do require PUFA and not all PUFA is bad. Grass-fed meat, wild fish, and seafood contain PUFA but are more concentrated in the omega 3 fatty acids which have multiple health benefits. The omega 6, the other side of the coin is also essential but our modern diets are swimming and drowning in it.

In this paleo mayonnaise, we are using coconut oil as the base and complementing it with extra virgin olive oil. Yes, they are still both processed but less so than the seeds and vegetables. Olive oil and coconut oil are more culinary used in ayurvedic and Mediterranean traditions. Both of these oils serve a purpose with their unique health benefits such as polyphenols and antimicrobial action and vitamin E content which has not been processed or oxidized.

You will notice this healthy mayonnaise recipe be richer and cleaner tasting on your palette. It is best to keep stored in a glass jar with a sealed lid in the refrigerator. It can last up to a few days given that the eggs in the recipe are not pasteurized compared to store-bought versions.


What you need is patience. Mayo is not a smoothie you can just blend up. It requires a little patience.

Ensure you buy the best quality ingredients which are listed below. Use either a quality blender or an immersion blender which is also an effective way of getting the job done in a matter of moments.

Once you try this homemade paleo mayo you will never go back.



While we are slowly seeing companies release some versions of mayonnaise that exclude inflammatory vegetable oils, making it at home is a great way to ensure the highest quality, most nutritious version of this kitchen staple. 

The best grocery option uses cage-free eggs and avocado oil, but this recipe takes it up a notch with pasture-raised eggs (note that deep orange yolk) and the benefits of extra virgin olive oil (note that deep green color) and coconut oil (in this case, MCT oil for a thinner consistency). 


The best part of this recipe is that it allows for creativity. This provides a great base, but feel free to add even more depth with garlic, chili spices, herbs, and apple cider vinegar. 

I find that it is great to use an immersion blender in the same container that you wish to store it in, but any blender works so long as you remember to go low and slow!


Healthy Mayonnaise Recipe

Makes: 1 1/2 cups
Servings: 12
Prep time: 2 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Skill level: Easy to medium

Healthy Mayonnaise Ingredients

  • 1 whole egg

  • 2 egg yolks

  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt or Celtic salt

  • 1/4 teaspoon white pepper

  • 1/2 cup Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (melted if solid)

  • 1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Healthy Mayo Recipe

  1. Put the eggs, Dijon mustard, lemon juice, salt, and pepper into a food processor or blender.

  2. Then with the processor or blender running at low speed, start adding your oils very slowly.

  3. Start out with drops and then work up to about a 1/16-inch stream. It should take about two minutes to add the oil.

  4. Continue blending until there is no free-standing oil.

  5. Transfer to a glass jar or use straight away.

To serve with:

  • Anything you want. Grilled meat, chicken, or fish. Sweet potato fries or roasted vegetables, mixed into a tuna salad or a dollop on a grilled wild salmon.


Nutrition facts per serving (based on 12 servings)

Calories: 175.8
Protein: 0.9
Carbs: 0.3
Fat: 19
Fibre: 0
Vitamin B1: 0mg
Vitamin B2: 0mg
Vitamin B3: 0mg
Vitamin B5: 0.1mg
Vitamin B6: 0mg
Vitamin B9: 5.8ug
Vitamin B12: 0.1ug
Choline: 31mg
Vitamin A: 66IU
Retinol: 14.9ug
Vitamin C: 0.6mg
Vitamin D: 8.3IU
Vitamin E: 1.4mg
Vitamin K: 5.5ug
Calcium: 6.1mg
Copper: 0mg
Iron: 0.2mg
Magnesium: 1.2mg
Manganese: 0mg
Potassium: 11.6mg
Selenium: .8ug
Zinc: 0.1mg
Omega 3: 0.2g
Omega 6: 0.6g