Shrimp Stir Fry Recipe


Shrimp Stir Fry With Style

Not your average low-carb shrimp stir fry recipe here. This shrimp stir fry recipe has a party in the mouth experience with caramelized red onion, punchy garlic, sweetness from bell pepper, the zing of coconut aminos, the smokiness and heat with chorizo and creaminess of the avocado. This shrimp stir fry is a favorite easy lunch or dinner, which is low carb and done and dusted in 20 minutes.

I have used shrimp in this recipe but you can swap for prawns. The difference lies between prawns that are usually found in freshwater, slightly bigger. Whereas shrimp are found in saltwater and are typically smaller.


How To Make Stir-Fried Shrimp

It would be best if you had a wide nontoxic frying pan. Have the seven ingredients ready and prepped ahead. The prep work before you start cooking is optional, but it makes everything so efficient for some. You're less stressed, and you can concentrate more on timing and ensuring everything is cooked to perfection. This recipe is one of my go-to favorite low-carb stir fry meals.

How I make, this shrimp stir fry recipe is with the base of caramelized red onions, garlic, and the red pointed bell pepper. This is where the majority of the flavor and also time goes into.

Avoid rushing this phase as it will result in burnt onions and garlic, overpowering the shrimp and chorizo.

First, add the chorizo to the pan. Why first? Rending the chorizo will release its oil/fat and allow us not to need any additional cooking fat. It will also remove its warm spices to add flavor and depth to the onions, garlic, bell peppers, and shrimp.

Once the chorizo has been sauteed for around 2-3 minutes, add the onions. Try not to rush this or have the heat on too high. Next, add the bell pepper. Caramelize the onions for 3 minutes. You can use antipasti roasted pepper if you like to avoid the skin if you're sensitive to lectins.

After 3-5 minutes of stir-frying, add the garlic to the pan. Add the red bell pepper when the onions have softened and take on some golden color (approx 5 minutes). The moisture released in the bell pepper from stir-frying will keep the onions from burning.

Low Carb Stir-Fried Shrimp

When all the ingredients have softened and caramelized, make space in the middle of the pan for the shrimp. Alternatively, you can remove the items in the pan to a warm plate then add the shrimp. However, it will depend on the size of your pan.

After pushing aside the vegetables and chorizo to the outside of the pan, leaving a vacant space for the shrimp in the middle, add the shrimp to the pan. Try not to move them around too much, similar to a steak. You want the shrimp to caramelize before moving or stirring. Otherwise, you will release excessive amounts of water inside the shrimp and leave a more soggy and softer texture and taste. 

When one side has cooked for 1-2 minutes, turn over and repeat with the other side. After 1-2 minutes, then mix all the ingredients. Optional, add 1 tbsp of coconut aminos to the pan. Please stir it or toss so that the coconut aminos, similar to soy sauce, have glazed everything.


Shrimp Stir Fry Recipe

Add fresh sage leaves and season with Icelandic salt when everything has cooked. You can squeeze in some lime juice for more zing.

I enjoy adding raw red onion rings at the end for freshness and more of a punch. Just remember to prep the slices at the start before you slice the onion thinly.

Additionally, add some fresh red or green chillis to your preference if you like spice. Serve the shrimp stir fry with mashed avocado or guacamole.

Shrimp Stir Fry Recipe

Serves: 1 (Double the ingredients for 2 people)
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Skill level: Easy

Shrimp Stir Fry Ingredients

  • 100 grams of wild or organic shrimp/prawns (deveined)

  • 1 red onion - thinly sliced/preserving 2 thinly sliced rings for garnish

  • 30 grams - Chorizo - diced in 1/2 cm pieces

  • 3 large garlic cloves - finely diced.

  • 1/4 bunch of fresh sage leaves

  • 1 pointed red bell pepper - Seeds removed - thinly sliced

  • 1 avocado - mashed

  • Optional: 1 TBSP coconut aminos (or use organic soy sauce)

  • 1/2 TSP Icelandic Salt

Shrimp Stir Fry Instructions

  1. Heat a wide saucepan on medium-high heat.

  2. Add the chorizo. Cook for 2-3 minutes.

  3. Add the sliced red onions. Cook for 3-5 minutes

  4. Add the sliced red bell pepper. Cook for 3-5 minutes.

  5. Add the diced garlic cloves. Cook for 1-2 minutes.

  6. Push the items in the pan to the outside to make space in the middle for the shrimp. Otherwise, remove to a plate.

  7. Add the shrimp to the pan. Cook for 1-2 minutes.

  8. Turnover and repeat. After 1 minute. Return the items back to the pan or mix everything together.

  9. Remove from the heat.

  10. Add the fresh sage leaves, squeeze of lime, red onion rings, and add your mashed avocado on top.

  11. Season to taste with salt and enjoy.

Shrimp Stir Fry Nutrition Facts (based on 1 serving)

Calories: 521
Protein: 33
Carbs: 23
Fat: 33
Fiber: 13
Vitamin B1: 0.2mg
Vitamin B2: 0.3mg
Vitamin B3: 3.9mg
Vitamin B5: 2.5mg
Vitamin B6: 0.9mg
Vitamin B9: 196ug
Vitamin B12: unknown
Choline: 34mg
Vitamin A: 4046IU
Retinol: 31.7ug
Vitamin C: 175mg
Vitamin D: 0.5IU
Vitamin E: 4.6mg
Vitamin K: 35.3ug
Calcium: 116mg
Copper: 0.7mg
Iron: 2.1mg
Magnesium: 100mg
Manganese: 0.5mg
Potassium: 1366mg
Selenium: 1.3ug
Zinc: 2.8mg
Omega 3: 0.3g
Omega 6: 2.4g