Simple Short Rib Recipe


The Most Simple Short Rib Recipe Ever

I have always been daunted by cooking short ribs. They look intimidating and seem to require elaborate care and attention with sugar-laden sauces and a barbeque. Well - I wanted to impress friends who were staying with me and try something new. The results - I was surprised and impressed.

This simple but paleo-friendly short rib recipe is literally foolproof.


Slow-Cooked Mouthwatering Beef Short Ribs

This short rib recipe is without a grill or barbeque making it more accessible to most.

I also used no dry rub seasoning or anything more than Icelandic sea salt, fresh garlic cloves, and fresh rosemary.

The truth is - quality food/produce should speak for itself. The trick with this short rib recipe in my opinion was due to the quality meat I purchased - grass-fed beef from New Zealand. But also with the oven temperature and the length of time.

You can not rush short ribs. The exterior and intramuscular fattiness needs to be rendered down appropriately whilst maintaining the succulent meatiness on the bone.

The results - 6 hours later the bone fell off with minimal effort and the juiciest short rib I have ever had.

How To Cook Beef Short Rib

There are various ways to attack a short rib. It really depends on what you have. If you’re a more advanced cook then you likely have a smoker and barbeque up your sleeve to provide more depth of flavor.

That said using a slow cooker could be utilized although the drawback is the rendering of the fat, which is slightly excessive, will not have the ability to drain or depart from the sauce, which might make the dish extremely rich.

The method I utilized with the short ribs was using a bed of garlic and carrots as a trivet in an oven-proof pan. A trivet is essentially a method to allow the fat and some juices to drip, rendering them away from the meat. The aromas from the garlic and fresh herbs, which I used rosemary, will also seep upwards and provide some aroma to the beef.

I browned the short ribs on all sides in the same oven-proof pan prior to placing them in a pre-heated oven. Browning the short ribs allows for a mallard reaction, which in theory retains the juices inside and does not seep out. I find this method easier with softer or slow-roasted meats as doing the reverse sear option the meat is partially collapsed and hard to handle. Doing the searing at the beginning, for me, makes it more practical.

I did not use any dry rub mix, no spices at all. I did, however, use a tbsp of coconut aminos and basted the beef short ribs halfway through with some of the garlic bulbs which was roasting alongside.

Additionally, I used no sauce. I honestly do not think it needs it and is a pleasant alternative to the bbq versions. I do see the merit of a sauce which is slightly acidic and cuts through the fattiness of the short rib but a simple side salad such as tomatoes, or a cabbage slaw with apple cider vinegar or a lemon dressing would do the trick too.


What To Serve With Beef Short Ribs

Whilst the short ribs are cooking away. There is plenty of time to preparing the side dish.

Due to the fattiness and richness of the short ribs. I prefer to opt for a lighter, crispier or acidic/tart side dish. This would fall into a few dishes of unpasteurised kimchi or sauerkraut or pickles. It could also be a wild rocket (arugula) leaves with shaved parmesan cheese and lemon juice. Finally another could be a fresh summer tomato salad with fresh basil, pesto and olives.

Simple Beef Short Rib Recipe

Serves: 4 adults
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 6 hours approx
Skill level: Easy

Simple Beef Short Rib Ingredients

  • 4 Grass-fed Beef Short Ribs as a rack. Each rib 400 grams approx

  • 3 Red onions - halved

  • 4-6 Whole garlic cloves - washed - outside leaves removed

  • 1/2 Bunch of fresh rosemary leaves

  • 1 TBSP Coconut aminos

  • 1 TSP Icelandic Salt Link

Simple Beef Short Rib Instructions

  1. Preheat a fan assisted oven to 120c.

  2. Heat a frying pan on medium high heat. No fat or oil needed.

  3. Place the short rib rack or ribs on the pan and allow to brown on all sides for approx 2 minutes each side.

  4. Whilst browning, prepare the onion (chop in half), peel the outside of the garlic, wash the herbs.

  5. Once browned, Remove on to a plate if using the same pan or place directly on to a baking tray which could be covered with lid or foil.

  6. Place the garlic, onions and herbs at the bottom of the pan or tray. This acts as a trivet.

  7. Season the outside of the ribs with salt. Then splash or rub the ribs with the coconut aminos.

  8. Transfer to the preheated oven to cook for 5 1/2 hours with a lid on.

  9. Remove from the oven. Then turn the heat up to 200c.

  10. Wait till the oven reaches the temperature. Then remove the lid and place the tray or pan back in the oven for an extra 5 minutes to finally crisp up.

  11. Remove from the oven. Rest and allow to cool for a few minutes.

  12. Pull out the bones. Then using forks pull apart the juicy tender meat. You can use the liquid collected at the bottom of the pan and tray to baste it as an option.

  13. Season again to taste with salt and serve with your side of choice.

  14. Enjoy.

Simple Beef Short Rib Nutrition Facts (based on 1 serving)

Calories: 595
Protein: 70
Carbs: 1
Fat: 35
Fiber: 4.2
Vitamin B1: 0.3mg
Vitamin B2: 0.9mg
Vitamin B3: 15.5mg
Vitamin B5: 3.2mg
Vitamin B6: 1.3mg
Vitamin B9: 13ug
Vitamin B12: 14.4ug
Choline: 333mg
Vitamin A: 26IU
Retinol: 8.7ug
Vitamin C: 0mg
Vitamin D: 21.7IU
Vitamin E: 0.7mg
Vitamin K: 6.5ug
Calcium: 49mg
Copper: 0.3mg
Iron: 11mg
Magnesium: 91mg
Manganese: 0.1mg
Potassium: 1358mg
Selenium: 96ug
Zinc: 36mg
Omega 3: 0.1g
Omega 6: 1.4g