How To Find A Nutritionist Or Health Coach


Why you shouldn't work with just any online nutritionist or health coach

Have you worked with a nutritionist or had nutritional counselling before and it couldn't help you?

Maybe you were advised: "Cut out the carbs and you'll drop the weight" or “just eat less and move more” or “take all these supplements”.

No. It is not that simple, it is quite complex.

Here you see a fir tree on the beach:

How to find a functional medicine nutritionist.jpg

What does a fir tree have to do with a nutritionist? Look at it this way:

A gardener must know in what environment his plants grow and thrive. Each plant is individual and needs different nutrients. What works for one plant can be the worst for another. A gardener must be capable of identifying individually for each plant what is essential for it to thrive.
It's the same with a nutritionist. He can't treat all his customers identical to a ready-made plan. Everyone needs individual advice.

That is why you should choose a nutritional therapist who has years of experience and whose expertise goes far deeper than common knowledge so that he can connect the dots. 

Also, when searching for a nutritionist, make sure he is registered.

Nowadays, more and more people are making their diet philosophy of life. While it’s great that they’re becoming interested in nutrition and gaining knowledge on their own, it can be problematic if they take the position of being a “nutrition expert” and spreading their “knowledge” with the world after reading one or two books on nutrition.
A good nutritionist shouldn’t only have studied for years, they should also have the practical experience and a deep understanding of biochemistry, cellular energy management and consider environmental factors.

If you’re looking for exactly that level of a functional nutritional therapist, then Ryan is a perfect match. He wants to know your background so he can create a program that is perfectly tailored to your needs.

What can a nutritionist do for you?


Nutrition is not about counting calories or micronutrients. It's about which type of nutrition and lifestyle medicine you specifically need to move the needle and optimise your health and life. 

You can try as many diets as you want, but if you don't find out what your body particularly requires, you will never succeed. 

The benefits of working with Ryan are huge:

1. He understands why you’re not progressing and finds the root cause behind your symptoms

Whether you want to regain your health or improve it even more- if you continue as you have until now, nothing will change. There is an underlying cause why you’re busting at your current plateau. 

No guesswork - Due to long term practice he knows exactly which tests and supplements -if necessary at all are right for you. The blood test is still the gold standard test. However, if the blood test isn’t adequate, he also uses other methods, such as hair mineral analysis, saliva (Dutch test or adrenal stress index), urine (Organic acid testing), stool (microbiome and digestive function) and the gold standard blood chemistry analysis.
Ryan can not only interpret tests, but he also understands the body’s functions at the cellular level. He uses these data to see clearly what has been holding you back so far ie connects your dots.

Healthy eating is more than just “eating right”. Changing eating habits does not only mean choosing different foods but also paying more attention to your environment. The time you eat and the light you eat under also plays a major role. That requires small changes that could have a big impact. And Ryan knows exactly what small changes you need to make to change your diet sustainably and he also guides you through the behaviour change progress. He answers all your questions in weekly video sessions and you can also chat with him via email or even on telegram and other messaging platforms, aka telemedicine.

2. You design with Ryan and receive a personalised nutrition/health optimisation plan you can stick to and empower yourself with.

As already mentioned in the gardener's story, most nutritional therapists provide you with run-of-the-mill plans or protocols.

But what happens when you have to stick to a strict and impractical plan?

You stick to it and have success for a few weeks but after you fall back into old patterns, it was all for nothing and you’re back at the starting point. Ryan’s approach, however, is different. You want to get healthy for the rest of your life, not for a plan you stick to for a few weeks. If a program isn't flexible enough to follow forever, you might as well forget about it.

First, Ryan invests a lot of time to learn everything about your goals, health, diet, family and  circumstances. He’ll provide you with extremely insightful knowledge and help you incorporate small, easy-to-digest habits into your daily life routine with a personalized plan. Then you’ll set your goals and you’ll be guided to achieve those goals in follow-up meetings.

3. You learn how to maintain your achievements in the long term

Almost every diet is successful for a short period of time, especially when it comes to weight loss. Whether it's weight gain or loss, digestive problems or other issues, it’s important that you don’t just feel good during coaching, but that you maintain or ideally improve your goal afterwards. You only have to learn and understand the nutrition topics relevant to you once- but you’ll keep this knowledge for your entire life.

Ryan gives you the know-how on how to keep and improve your achievements even after the meetings.

Ryan has a foundational and advanced health optimization service. What differentiates Ryan from other nutritionists is that he won’t tell you which supplements to take, food to avoid and consume in pdf documents and with no personal attention to detail with your left in the lurch. 

If you want to find out the next steps on how to regain your health and how to apply and be a client of Ryan’s read the personalised nutrition services page here.


All information connected to Live Vitae does not provide medical advice and is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any and All information contained herein, do so at your own risk. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Anyone wishing to embark on any dietary, drug, exercise or other lifestyle change intended to prevent or treat a specific disease or condition should first consult a qualified healthcare professional. Anyone who is currently taking medicinal products and/or suffering from any form of a medical condition should consult their doctor prior to the change in dietary and lifestyle practices. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read or heard via Live Vitae content (articles, social media, media appearances and newsletter). If you think you may have a medical condition or emergency, immediately call your doctor or emergency services.