Low Carb Paleo Omelette Recipe


Low Carb Omelette Recipe

Who else loves an eggcellent start to the day with eggs. There are many ways you can incorporate and utilize eggs. Omelettes are a significant step up, combining a vegetable mixture that completes the eggs well.

This low-carb omelet will be a firm favorite to your morning routine when you want to upgrade or change from scrambled or fried eggs.


How To Pick the Best Eggs To Cook With

Shopping in a supermarket can be slightly intimidating and also confusing. There is a vast number of greenwashing tactics, even with eggs. Whether that's vegetarian hens (lol) or DHA (omega 3) enriched eggs, brown eggs, or organic.

My preference is always pasture-raised / free-range.

Ideally, they would be locally sourced from a farmer's market or at least from the same country you're located in.

Organic in certain counties can mean different things. In the U.K it can mean that the hens have more space to roam freely and also a more limited number of hens in their shelter to avoid crowding.

Organic can also mean that the hens are fed organic feed too. This could include organic soy, corn, wheat as examples. The thing is, naturally grown hens would be free to roam and eat whatever they fancy - including insects, seeds, flowers, etc.

I don't believe in enriched DHA or omega 3 eggs. This is a pathetic way of increasing your omega 3 levels. Instead, we should be focusing on reducing our consumption of processed foods - seed/plant oils and have several servings of fish and seafood to attain optimal omega 3/6 ratios.

Finally, the color of the egg can also be misleading. Certain companies can mislead you with manipulating the hens' diet by feeding them paprika and other carotenoids to manipulate the color of the yolk. This causes a striking and noticeable change with a more sunny orange/reddish yolk, which would have been achieved, perhaps rarely at the end of the summer season. So do not presume that the pigmented yolk is superior to the yellow ones.

What To Serve With Low Carb Omelete

To be honest, you don’t need to serve this with anything else. it is a complete meal but if you want to increase your protein and fat then pasture-raised bacon or chorizo would make a nice side or smoked wild salmon or topped with wild salmon eggs with fresh dill. Keep it simple and functional.


Low Carb Paleo Omelette Recipe

Serves: 1 serving
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes approx
Skill level: Easy

Low Carb Omelette Ingredients

  • 1 leek - (green parts trimmed and washed thoroughly. Grit and mud can often get stuck between the leaves and gently pull apart while washing. Substitute if necessary for 1 small onion. Slice into 1cm thick circles.)

  • 30 grams mushrooms. (roughly chop the mushrooms, small ones can be left whole. I am using shiitake.

  • 1 courgette (zucchini) - (sliced 1-2cm thick circles and cut into quarters.)

  • 3 pasture-raised medium eggs

  • Season with Icelandic salt Link

  • Ghee to sauté your vegetables. 1 TSP

Note: If you have any cold meats, leftover mince, or anchovies. You can also top your omelet with these for an extra protein hit. 

Low Carb Omelette Instructions

  1. Preheat oven to 150C fan. Once you have prepped all your vegetables, heat your oil in the pan until it melts.

  2. Place leeks in first and fry until soft. Stir frequently, so it doesn’t become golden. Ensure an excellent slow, medium heat as the leeks take the longest to cook.

  3. Then add your courgette and cook for a further 5 minutes storing occasionally.

  4. Add mushrooms and cook for 2-3 minutes stirring often.

  5. Whisk cracked open whole eggs in a separate bowl before incorporating them into the vegetables. I like to incorporate the vegetables into this egg bowl and then put my entire mixture of eggs and veggies into an oven dish. I find this easier than standing over the cooker and watching the omelette cook. Feel free to use the same pan you cooked your veggies in. Pop the lid on the pan if you do this, so the top cooks. This should only take 8-10 minutes.

  6. If using the oven. Place your oven dish into the oven and leave for 10 minutes.

Low Carb Omelette Nutrition Facts

Based on 1 serving

Calories: 436
Protein: 20
Carbs: 17
Fat: 32
Fiber: 3.2
Vitamin B1: 0.1mg
Vitamin B2: 0.6mg
Vitamin B3: 0.5mg
Vitamin B5: 2.2mg
Vitamin B6: 0.4mg
Vitamin B9: 119ug
Vitamin B12: 1.2ug
Choline: 400mg
Vitamin A: 2786IU
Retinol: 370ug
Vitamin C: 11mg
Vitamin D: 110IU
Vitamin E: 2.7mg
Vitamin K: 44ug
Calcium: 128mg
Copper: 0.2mg
Iron: 4.2mg
Magnesium: 41mg
Manganese: 0.5mg
Potassium: 367mg
Selenium: 41ug
Zinc: 1.8mg
Omega 3: 0.5g
Omega 6: 2.3g