Sweet Potato Yogurt Recipe


Sweet Potato Yogurt Recipe

I heard of this recipe from my beautiful partner in crime Amanda last year. Although, I never experienced or saw it to be honest. I believe she planted the seed in my mind and it so happened I created this yogurt bowl extravaganza.

You might feel sweet potato with yogurt - really?! Me too.
Then I realized some of the best grain-free chocolate brownie recipes I made with sweet potato. Sweet potato is naturally sweet and not naturally dense or as starchy as a potato. It is further baked to intensify the sweetness with a carmelized flavor.


How To Make A Sweet Potato Yogurt Bowl

What I like to do is pre-bake several sweet potatoes for the week ahead. That way there is no delay in getting the sweet potato yogurt bowl in my hungry belly.

I roast the sweet potato in the oven for around 45 minutes at 180C in an oven tray. I make a slit down the middle to ensure that the center cooks through. I rub them with a touch of coconut oil too. 45 minutes later you have caramelized piping hot sweet potato.

I have tried them slightly warm and cold. My verdict is the cold is better. Especially as it doesn’t split or turn the yogurt mushy. Serving the sweet potato yogurt bowl also makes it a great spring or summertime dessert.

The Best Sweet Potato Yogurt Bowl

The yogurt I have been using is organic greek yogurt. This provides more beneficial and tolerable dairy with probiotics to help with the digestive process.

Greek yogurt is also a valid source of protein to contribute to your daily protein intake. Adding protein alongside your carbohydrates also helps with blood glucose stabilization (preventing any tendency for hypoglycemia), helping to improve satiety factors and stimulate muscle protein synthesis (although I have added collagen to help that even more).

Post Workout Yogurt Bowl

The greek yogurt I used for this sweet potato yogurt is just organic. Unfortunately, I have no means of finding A2 dairy which would be superior and even better for those with more severe lactose intolerances. Most people I find do okay with greek yogurt even though they don’t tolerate milk (especially pasteurized).

I used a full-fat Greek yogurt which was like 5% fat and contained 9 grams of protein per 100 grams.

If dairy is a complete no-no. Then there are some lactose-free organic versions or additionally coconut milk yogurt which can work. Just ensure to check the ingredients on the back for additives, and unnecessary fortifications.

What To Serve With Sweet Potato Yogurt Bowl

With my sweet potato yogurt bowl recipe. I have found the combinations of - bee pollen, cacao nibs, collagen powder, a touch of salt, and walnuts.

Nothing is set in stone. So if you don’t like walnuts - swap for macamdeia nuts or pumpkin seeds.

If I had any raw local honey then I would of likely added a small drizzle on top. You can also use maple syrup.

I start with mashing the sweet potato in the bowl with a fork. Then smooth it out with a spoon. I dollop the greek yogurt to the side of the sweet potato. Then add the toppings.

My favorite collagen powder to use which is unflavored is from Promix Nutrition and use my discount code “ family35 “ to save 15% off their collagen or whey protein powders all made from grass fed cows.. They also do an amazing grass-fed whey protein isolate.

Additionally, if you fancy more of a fruity cherry collagen powder then I also highly recommend you try marine collagen from Health Optimisation Supplements. Don’t forget to use my 10% off discount code LIVEVITAE).


Sweet Potato Yogurt Recipe

Servings: 1

Prep time: 45 mins

Cooking time: 5 minutes

Skill level: Easy

Sweet Potato Yogurt Ingredients

  • 1 medium sweet potato (You can batch cook a few at a time to save time later)

  • 200 grams of organic greek yogurt

  • 1 tbsp organic cacao nibs

  • 1 tsp local bee pollen

  • 1 tbsp of unflavored and grass-fed collagen powder

  • 1/4 tsp Icelandic salt


  • Whey protein powder (1/2 scoop 15 grams) Promix Nutrition whey protein isolate.

  • ! tsp raw honey or maple syrup

Sweet Potato Yogurt Bowl Instructions

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C.

  2. Using a knife and slit an insertion 1-2 cm down the middle. Rub a small amount of coconut oil to prevent sticking to the pan or tray.

  3. Add the sweet potato to the oven on a tray or pan. Bake for 45 minutes.

  4. Remove from the oven. Allow to cool. Transfer to fridge or freezer if you want it cooled quicker.

  5. Assemble the sweet potato yogurt bowl.

  6. Mash the sweet potato with a fork to a smooth consistency.

  7. Next, add your greek yogurt besides the mashed sweet potato. I used 200 grams.

  8. You can mix your collagen powder or optional protein powder before adding the yogurt to the bowl. I should have done this in the video as it makes life easier.

  9. Then add the toppings in any order you prefer.

  10. Drizzle with optional honey and serve.

  11. Enjoy.

Sweet Potato yogurt Bowl Nutrition Facts (per serving)

Calories: 353
Protein: 26.8
Carbs: 36.8
Fat: 11
Fiber: 5.8
Vitamin B1: 0.2mg
Vitamin B2: 0.4mg
Vitamin B3: 1.1mg
Vitamin B5: 1.5mg
Vitamin B6: 0.3mg
Vitamin B9: 21ug
Vitamin B12: 0.6ug
Choline: 38mg
Vitamin A: 18620IU
Retinol: 41.6ug
Vitamin C: 5.8mg
Vitamin D: 5.7IU
Vitamin E: 0.7mg
Vitamin K: 3ug
Calcium: 273mg
Copper: 0.3mg
Iron: 1.5mg
Magnesium: 58mg
Manganese: 0.3mg
Potassium: 723mg
Selenium: 5.2ug
Zinc: 1.4mg
Omega 3: 0.1g
Omega 6: 0.1g